Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Realtiy show crackdown

As soon as I began to read the article by Gaye Tuchman and the "Symbolic Annihilation of women," I instantly thought about reality shows and how women are portrayed in them. Annihilation is an understatement when it comes to shows such as "The real world," "The Simple Life" "Flavor of love," "Rock Reality show," and even "The Apprentice." The list of shows is endless, and I could think of more that portray women as either victims, incompetents or inferiors, as Tuchman points out.
Tuchman talks about how the media "structures its citizens' priorities" and then of course gives us what "we" like to see the most, thus Agenda setting. Reality shows on todays TV's involving women, work with stereotypes. They limit women to certain looks," skills, behaviors and self-perceptions" (Tuchman). I also agree that these stereotypes are "confining." It doesn't help in the work place when it comes time to get a job, or even in relationships. A show like "Rock Reality" for example shares a message to its viewers that in order for a guy to pick you over the next girl, you have to show your chest a little more, or a little leg. What are these shows teaching our younger generation? What are they learning about women and how they should act?
The increase of these kind of shows tells me, something is wrong with our nation. We need to restructure the way we view women, and make it a priority so that the media does too.

In Gauntletts chapter about "Representations of gender in the past," I wasn't at all surprised about the imforation. He mentions things like men being more assertive that women on TV and women being victimized, weak, laughable and ridiculed. It's a shame that this is also evident in the shows that children are watching, but then again not surprising. If this is what our society deems women should be, especially when it comes to submissiveness, this is what they are going to teach the next generation, as Tuchman pointed out and Gauntlett reiterated.
Something has to change NOW to stop this!

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