Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This idea of culture...

When I think about the word "culture" and what it really means, I find I agree with Raymond Williams concept of culture as "anthropological." This really implying that it centers on a particular societies way of life, values, etc. "Culture, therefore, refers to shared meaning"(Barker).
I stumbled on a" letter to the editor" of the New York Times from an apparently Asian man living in America responding to a letter that was written about dog eating in China.
He described how eating dog or not is not a matter of "uncivilized or undignified," but simply a "matter of different tastes."
The man then asked why dog meet is more undignified than eating beef. "Who decides what animal has more rights than the other?" Of course in my mind, the answer was as clear as ever. Our culture in America has a "shared meaning" that dogs are truly mans best friend. Dogs are pets that most of America owns our values lean more to preserving their lives. We value the lives of dogs more than we probably think about cows being taken to the slaughter room so we have our delicious steak.
Even though I will probably never eat a dog, I respect the people that do.
Bon appetit!
New York Times Article above...

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